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Indie Spotlight has a new home!

Just a very quick update for you this week, ahead of the first full newsletter next weekend, and that is to do with my little Indie Spotlight feature.

As you know, each month, the scrolling banner ad on the homepage has been updated to promote one of my favourite indie reads, or one I'm very much looking forward to reading. However, my Author's Choice page was vastly under utilised and I didn't update it anywhere near enough.

So, I have made the decision to remove the banner ad, and give the Indie Spotlight of the Month, a whole page!

Here you will find the name of the book, author, cover photo and the synopsis of the book. You will also find out my thoughts on the book, my star rating for it, and where you can get your hands on a copy of your own!

I hope this is a welcome change, and allows me to give a more in depth promotion for those amazing indie books out there!

The book for May is one I have recently finished and was astonished to see had no reviews on either Goodreads or Amazon! I soon corrected that! The book in question is 'Sorrow Draw' by Tim Brumbaugh, who you can find on TikTok! More details on the new Indie Spotlight page!

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